Solid Base FinanceSolid Base FinanceSolid Base Finance
(234) 8181 665 544
9am - 8pm




Send and receive local and international payments in your wallet account with ease.

Featured Services

Solid Base Finance

Be assured that you and your customers’ funds are safe. Our wallet security ensures that every account and data are safe from fraud.

Bulk Transfer

Disburse mass local and international payouts to your beneficiaries instantly with ease.
Disburse mass local and international payouts to your beneficiaries instantly with ease.

Online banking

Our modern web platform and mobile applications allow you to keep track of your funds and business transactions wherever you are.
Our modern web platform and mobile applications allow you to keep track of your funds and business transactions wherever you are.

Online Foreign Exchange

Customers are opportuned to exchange currencies from their wallet available balances
Customers are opportuned to exchange currencies from their wallet available balances

Online Business Transactions

Perform your financial and business transactions from your wallet account anywhere across the globe. Your ATM Master Card is Universal.
Perform your financial and business transactions from your wallet account anywhere across the globe. Your ATM Master Card is Universal.

Comprehensive Business Hub

Open your account in minutes and enjoy seamless financial and business opportunities.
Open your account in minutes and enjoy seamless financial and business opportunities.

Travels and Tours

Ease your travel and tours with your UC Wallet Account
Ease your travel and tours with your UC Wallet Account

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